Annual Meeting – December 14th

This year’s Annual Meeting features a presentation by Jon Lovrak of the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation. He will tell us about the new hatchery at their South Fork Walla Walla facility, and about their spring chinook program, including planned increases in harvestable salmon.

Meeting link:

Meeting ID: 839 5539 2562
Passcode: 457801
Phone in: 1 253 215 8782


Salmon are back!

Salmon in School for the 2021-2022 school year is underway. These spring chinook arrived as eggs a few weeks ago. They’ve been hatching in our office aquarium, and now they’re in the alevin life stage. 

Alex says that all of the classrooms are having good survival of their eggs and young fish. This year, Salmon in School is operating 16 tanks at 14 locations, plus one in our office. Stop by and see our salmon grow!

Mill Creek passage project nears completion

Work began in June to improve fish passage between Otis St and Division St in Mill Creek. When completed in September, this project will improve passage for nearly one-half mile for steelhead, chinook, and bull trout.

Smooth concrete is replaced with roughened concrete, to provide lower velocity water for migrating fish.





Under the Otis St bridge, the open area in the lower left of the photo will become a resting pool.

Salmon Enhancement Group